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Quality Commitment

I believe that customer satisfaction is essential to our success and our development.

That is why I am committed to listening to them to accommodate their new requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of our system of quality management, in order that with the involvement of all our personnel, we can :

- to guarantee the satisfaction of our customers:

- By delivering products meeting the established requirements,

- And by respecting the delivery deadlines on which we are committed,

- By taking into account their complaints and being attentive to them,

- to constantly improve the efficiency of our quality management system:

- By promoting process control,

- By continuously improving performance,

- Implementing actions in the face of risks and opportunities.

- to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Also, to give confidence to our clients on the implementation of this quality policy, I want to keep the ISO 9001 certification we have achieved since 1996 in voluntary.

    Olivier GARAUD
    General Manager


M.A.J on 14/04/2017


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